Set Apart

This week, I was reminded, on several occasions, how God calls us to be different.

A gentleman came into work this week and left a lasting impression on all of us workers, and the encounter quickly traveled through the grapevine.

Working with children, it is common sense that little kids are always listening to what adults have to say, but either this gentleman did not care or did not know, for he was cursing up a storm in front of all the little ones.

Every other word out of his mouth was profane, and most of us stared in wide-eyed horror at the casual use of such language, especially given our surroundings.

The moment passed, but I was quietly reminded how we are called to be set apart.

In all aspects of our lives.

Of course, being set apart can also bring us discomfort.

But I would rather be set apart for all the right reasons, rather than all the wrong ones.

Even something as simple as our use of language can set us wholly apart from the crowd.

And, even for myself, as I navigate my twenties in a bustling metropolis and in a society that is so evidently against God, I find myself having to force myself to be set apart. And it’s no easy feat.

But, again, I would rather fall flat on my face in front of my peers for God, than get to the gates of Heaven and find them locked.

We must learn to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, be tenderhearted, and always encourage kindness.

We have to stay committed to Him; knowing and understanding exactly how He wants us to be set apart, and then go forward bravely with the truest of intentions and a heart of love for the Lord.

Stay rooted in the word. Remember to set yourself apart. Understand that the world is watching, maybe now more than ever.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

— Romans 12:1-2


Every Hair and Feather


One Out of Ninety-Nine