Give Thanks

1 Chronicles 16:34 states,

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

That verse was on my mind the week leading up to Thanksgiving, and especially on the day of.

As a Christian, I think, in my humble opinion, that sometimes it is hard to remember to give thanks. We’re too busy asking and pleading with God for continued blessings that we neglect to count and acknowledge the many blessings He has already bestowed upon us.

There is a running list of things I thank God for when I pray, big things that I know I should not take for granted. I thank Him for my ability to walk, talk, see, hear, run, taste, and smell. I thank Him for my family and for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for my sins, but the list pretty much ends there. But I never think to thank Him for the little things, those little-big moments that happen all the time, every day.

I’m sure we all practiced thankfulness on Thursday, but I challenge you to think of the little-big things: the friends who are family, the hobbies you enjoy, your favorite flavor of ice cream, the sunny-beautiful day you walked outside to, and so many more, so many little-big things.

Thankfulness should not be reserved only for the third Thursday of November, but a joyful practice that helps us see that the Lord is good, and his love, does, in fact, endure forever.


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