An Introduction


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet! It’s a joy to have you here! My name’s Elizabeth Merold, and I run The Joy Well Studio Blog and Etsy shop where I sell my digital prints for your guys’ personal use.

For this super informal introduction, I want to be as candid as humanly possible. Sharing my personal life, my highs and lows, on the internet is not my thing. In truth, when I talked to some very trusted sources about starting a blog to help launch my career, anxiety crippled me following their encouragement to launch one. It was not the answer I wanted to hear, haha! (To be honest, I started a completely different blog months ago, and then deleted everything, and put this current idea on the back burner, until I could ignore it no longer.)

I never realized how private of a person I was until I felt both a nudge from trusted people and a calling from God.

I have been praying constantly for this blog to be a light in the night, and for it to be a great resource for my readers and anyone else stopping by for a quick visit. Although I am not 100% comfortable in this role of sharing quite yet, I hope that with time, God’s help, and your guys’ kindness, I can continue to be a vessel and Kingdom Worker for Him and continue to share the joy of Jesus Christ.

But you’re still curious, right? Who are you? Why should I follow your journey? Etc.

So, here are a few things I am comfortable sharing, but they’re a little more abstract, haha!


  1. I have a scar on my left thumb from a pocketknife incident at four years old. (Grandpa’s fault, lol!)

  2. When I was in middle school, I spontaneously adopted my friend’s leopard gecko (she was moving to Brazil and couldn’t take it with her) named Riley, and I was not too fond of it. She was the scariest gecko ever. And then she got super sick and we had to put her down (I’m not kidding, we euthanized our gecko), and I cried like a baby.

  3. I auditioned for a role on Hannah Montana when I was six years old. Sorry to say, I did not get the gig, but life goes on.

  4. Rock & Roll is obviously the best genre of music.

  5. Childhood classic movies include Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, (Gene Wilder version, ONLY!), Beauty and the Beast, and The Land Before Time.

    1. Bonus, my favorite Disney princesses are Pocahontas and Tiana! Love them so, so much!

  6. I played soccer, volleyball and surfed growing up, but volleyball was the only one I did consistently! Played from my freshmen year of high school to my sophomore year of college, until I decided to step away and focus on school.

  7. Over the summer of 2022, I spontaneously signed up for an out-of-state internship at a megachurch in St. Louis, and then completely freaked out about it, but went anyway, and it turned out to be one of the best summers of my life!

  8. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana before moving to St. Louis, Missouri for a couple of years, then back to Indiana, then back to Missouri, and then finally made our way out west to Southern California at five years old.

  9. My favorite book of all time is The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

  10. I love stories and connecting people with people, because, simply put, people need people.


The Call of the Unqualified