Amazing Love

Valentine’s Day was this Wednesday, and it got me thinking a lot about love. Not just romantically, but platonically and in all aspects of our lives.

Wednesday was riddled with pink and red hearts, chocolates and roses, and love letters and declarations of “I love you.”

But amid the hubbub, the dinner reservations, the bouquet of flowers resting in a vase on the kitchen table, and booking a babysitter, we can forget, as is common, the greatest act of love ever shown: Jesus coming to earth.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day is a great thing! Don’t get me wrong! We should celebrate our loved ones, acknowledge their impact on our lives, and treat them to something fun, festive, and lovely!

In truth, we should not just show love on Valentine’s Day, but every day!

But dare I say, no greater love has impacted me, and many more, than the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for my sins.

Today’s blog is simple.

Today, just take a moment to reflect on the great love and sacrifice Jesus showed each and every one of us by coming to earth to wash away the sins of those who believe in Him.

It’s the story of amazing love, the greatest truth I’ve ever known, the greatest gift I’ve ever received.


One Out of Ninety-Nine


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